NOSA offers the necessary training and services to equip clients with the knowledge and skills to deal with an emergency situation in the workplace. NOSA provides first aid training as well as comprehensives fire safety services to all business sectors.

First Aid Training
First aid is an invaluable skill for both the workplace and the domestic environment. NOSA offers first aid training at levels one, two and three, and provides theoretical information as well as the practical skills required to manage an emergency. The appointment of first aiders in the workplace is a legal requirement for all companies – this is enforced by the Factories, Machinery and Construction Works Act. It is proposed there be a minimum first aiders appointed per company with the minimum guideline being 1:50 employees.

Fire Safety Services 
The main objective is to assist our clients in limiting fire hazards in the workplace, while ensuring that the client is prepared for any emergency situation that may arise. Effective fire safety will enable a company to protect its most valuable assets as well as plan for continuity of operations in emergency situations. Using the best industry professionals, NOSA ensures our clients receive professional service at all times.